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Swasthya Nari Saskhta Buxar - Healthier women, stronger Nation

In 2019, Aaroogya worked in the Buxar district of Bihar to establish cancer prevention measures in 10,000 woman and children living below the poverty line. During this time, Aaroogya facilitated the installations of Telemedicine Health Kiosks and Medicine Vending Machines (MVM) with electronic health records, specialized doctor consultation and diagnostic tests in collaboration with MedOnGo, while also screening for breast and cervical cancers in 5,000 women, using the Thermomammogram.

Aaroogya International Foundation also conducted a health, nutrition, sanitation, and hygiene-related study using workshops and door to door engagement. This was done with the help of Aaroogya’s on-ground fellows. During these sessions, women were educated on key issues like menstrual hygiene, and were gifted world-class reusable cloth by Livinguard for a re-use, representing over 7 years of textile and social innovation and design thinking expertise.

These educational campaigns reached 10,000 women in 10 blocks of Buxar, and served as capacity building workshops, wherein over 1,000 local stakeholders and potential female leaders as well as 240 ANMs and over 100 ASHA workers in the community were also educated on these subjects.

Aaroogya also engaged in prophylactic Hepatitis screening in association with Mylan Pharmaceuticals for over 8,000 beneficiaries and conducted child influenza and malnutrition screening in association with Tracus for 2,000 children. Through all of this work, populations of women and children especially in Bihar were informed, about a number of major diseases. One of the participants in the study, Devkumar, a 33-year-old woman in Bihar testified, “nobody is there to look after us. It was a relief when Aaroogya came into the village to help us.”

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